Attracting Hedgehogs: KS2 resources

Designing a Hedgehog Garden

So, thinking about attracting hedghogs to your garden? Check out this fabulous hedgehog garden design image, which will stimulate thinking and talking about all the key things you need to include to get the little pitter patter of hedgehog feet in you garden.

Reading about hedgehogs

These texts offer lots of opportunity for learning about hedgehogs.

Hedgehog picture with labels

Hedgehog signs (tracks, poos, smells etc)

Hedgehog facts KS2

Hedgehog Facts KS1

Hedgehog Fill in the gaps KS1

Hedgehog answers KS1 fill in the gaps

Guidance for detecting hedgehogs using footprint tracking tunnels

Hedgehog Factfile

The Hedgehog - Basic Facts

Your A-Z of Helping Hedgehogs

How to help hedgehogs in your garden

Helping hedgehogs is a fantastic way for pupils to engage in a meaningful activity that positively impacts wildlife. It connects to science by allowing students to study hedgehog habitats, behavior, and conservation needs, enhancing their understanding of ecosystems and biodiversity. In maths, students can measure and analyze hedgehog tracks, create data charts, and calculate the dimensions for building hedgehog houses. This hands-on project fosters self-confidence as pupils see the direct results of their efforts, empowering them as changemakers. It also teaches responsibility and empathy, nurturing a caring attitude towards animals and the environment.

Setting up a feeding station and wildlife camera

Setting up a feeding station for hedgehogs in your garden is easy and rewarding. Find a quiet, sheltered spot, away from pets and noise. Use a shallow dish for food and place it under a small shelter, like a wooden box with a narrow entrance. Fill the dish with hedgehog-friendly food such as meat-based cat or dog food, hedgehog biscuits, or special hedgehog food. Always provide a shallow dish of fresh water nearby. Clean the feeding station regularly and refill it daily. This activity helps children learn about wildlife care and the importance of supporting hedgehog populations.


How to make a wooden hedgehog house

Creating a hedgehog house is very important for several reasons. Hedgehogs are small, nocturnal animals that need a safe place to sleep during the day and hibernate during winter. Unfortunately, many of their natural homes, like hedgerows and woodpiles, are disappearing due to urban development and modern farming. By building a hedgehog house, we can give them a safe space to rest and stay warm.

Hedgehogs help our gardens by eating pests like slugs, beetles, and caterpillars. When we provide them with a shelter, they can thrive and continue to protect our plants naturally. This means we don’t have to use harmful pesticides, which can hurt the environment and other animals.

Additionally, making a hedgehog house can be a fun and educational activity for students. It teaches them about wildlife conservation and how even small actions can make a big difference in helping animals survive. By understanding and helping hedgehogs, children learn to care for the environment and the creatures that live in it. This fosters a sense of responsibility and empathy towards nature.

Upgrade to a deluxe hedgehog house

How to make a plastic tub hedgehog house

How to make a hedgehog highway

Creating a hedgehog highway is important because it helps hedgehogs move safely between gardens to find food, mates, and shelter. Urban development and fenced gardens often block their natural routes, making it hard for them to survive. By making small holes in fences or walls, we can create safe pathways for hedgehogs to travel. This simple action helps them avoid dangerous roads and increases their chances of finding enough resources. Teaching children about hedgehog highways encourages them to think about wildlife conservation and the importance of creating a connected habitat for animals.

Written instructions for Making a hedgehog highway

How to make a hedgehog tracking tunnel

Making a tracking tunnel out of cardboard is a fun way to discover if hedgehogs visit your garden. To create one, line a cardboard tunnel with white paper and place ink or paint pads at the entrance. Hedgehogs will walk through, leaving their tracks on the paper. Examining these tracks can be linked to maths by measuring track sizes, predicting and counting footprints. In science, children can learn about hedgehog behaviour and anatomy by studying the track patterns. This hands-on activity encourages observation, data collection, and analysis, making learning interactive and exciting.

How to keep hedgehogs safe in Summer

To keep hedgehogs safe in summer, ensure they have access to fresh water and shady spots to stay cool. Place shallow dishes of water around the garden and create shaded areas using plants or small shelters. Avoid using pesticides and slug pellets, as these can harm hedgehogs. Check for hedgehogs before using lawn mowers or strimmers, and create safe garden areas free from hazards like uncovered drains or steep-sided ponds. Teaching children these tips helps them understand how to care for hedgehogs and protect wildlife during the hot months.

Did you know hedgehogs can swim?

Swimming is a great way for injured hedgehogs to recover their strength and mobility. When hedgehogs swim, it helps them exercise their muscles gently without putting too much pressure on their injuries. This low-impact activity improves their circulation and overall fitness, aiding in quicker healing. It also stimulates their natural behaviors, keeping them active and engaged, which is essential for their mental well-being. Rehabilitation centers often use supervised swimming sessions as part of their care routine for injured hedgehogs. Teaching children about this can highlight the importance of creative and gentle ways to help animals heal and recover.

On that cute note this page is rounded up. If you do create a hedgehog house, highway or feeding station - send some photos so we can showcase your experience!