Art about Climate Change

How can cartoons stimulate discussion?

Art about Climate Change has the potential for opening up discussions about topics in a unique way. These Climate Change Cartoons, on the Charter for Compassion website, are great discussion points for pupils. Original and thought-provoking - they will defintately get the conversation flowing. 

How can art help us think about climate change?

Tomas Saraceno, an Argentinian artist created an art installation to enable people to see what difference a single degree Celsius can make to our world. This video explains his process and thinking. This is a great topic for stimulating discussion with pupils.

How can music motivate action?

Daniel Crawford was so curious as to what the increase in temperature in our world sounded like, he picked up his cello and composed a musical piece.

Crawford wanted to use music to convey trends in climate change data, so he looked at a dataset of surface temperatures beginning in 1880 and matched each yearly temperature change with a musical note to create a song, which is called “song for our warming planet.” The notes get higher as the temperature rises creating a dramatic musical piece.

Daniel hopes that his music may make a difference and motivate people into action as he feels graphs by themselves don't necessarily do that. It's clear that music plays a big role in art for climate change.

How can art connect children to nature?

The Cornish painter, Dyer, believes that scare tactics shouldn't be used when teaching children about climate change, and in fact that after a while they become ineffectual as children become used to the scary stories.

Instead he promotes the use of art to encourage a connection to the natural world. Dyer states that when children are connected to the natural world they actually choose to be a part of the solution. So, through the art, they explore the science as well and carry on their natural curiosity.

Read more about Dyer's approach

How can art spark discussion and debate?

The Artworks for change pieces provide stimulating discussion starters. Covering a range of themes, the artist explore the facts and feelings of the climate change issues facing humanity.

This short film shows the underwater sculptures which evoke thoughts and feelings about humanity's destiny. Jason DeCares Taylor takes people on a journey of discovery - powerful and evocative - a great stimulus for discussion with older children.